He then traveled to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to complete a Fellowship in Intervention Cardiology at Hahnemann Hospital in conjunction with Drexel University, where he received extensive training in coronary as well as peripheral interventions and salvage procedures.
After relocating to Louisiana he served as Director of the Cardiac Catheterization Lab at Regional Medical Center of Acadiana. He was honored by the Medical Association for Physician's Recognition Award from March of 2015 through May 2016.
Dr has also had professional accomplishments at the University of Southern California School of Medicine and Medical Center including Instructor of Medicine, Chief Administrative Fellow, Division of Cardiology University of Southern California.
AIC Hair Transplant ist ein weltweit führendes Haartransplantationszentrum, das 2020 in Istanbul gegründet wurde. AIC Hair Transplant, das sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, seine Gäste bestmöglich zu beherbergen und seine Patienten nach europäischen Standards zu bedienen, hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, ohne Qualitätseinbußen zu arbeiten.